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Unit test, addressing component tests (part 2)

Posted on:September 25, 2023 at 03:41 PM

From part 1, I have placed the problem of term component test test type: it looks like that the team try addressing source file integration as a unit of test. However, as I mentioned before, line coverage and branch coverage metrics surely cover such concern. So I go further to have a personal flavor for its definition.

To address this, I set up my standing point and direction as following:

Then I simply answer this question to identify component for the application:

What else does it require running, so as the application can fulfill all of its functionalities?

Again, here is the application mock from previous post:

Sample application

Here component list from sample application:

In another word, I just slim down the application by not concerning source files but addressing what is mandatory for the application except the application itself.


The whole source tree from this approach is now a single component of the application. By this lens, I don’t concern any set of source files, but I see the whole source tree is just only one component of the application. As a result of this, I would say that I should cover following scopes:

As you may notice, each of interaction pair above may produce two set of tests:


So that’s it. This is my definition if I must have for unit test targeting component test. I think I have placed the term well enough as a guidance. Now any software engineer want to have “type” for their unit test, I think by reading what is the scope of current source file, they definitely know how to write tests to cover “king and queen” metrics: line coverage and branch coverage.